1st I commend Moe, our low pressure, accommodating - howard & Terri
1st I commend Moe, our low pressure, accommodating salesperson. I expressed to Moe I was leery of the handling & pick up power of many vehicles I had been pushed to only test drive a short distance previously at other dealers.
On our test drive, Moe allowed me to do whatever maneuver that would help me feel the real potential of the vehicle. It was time to buckle up & hold on tight. He was all for me being a temporary race car test driver. I put the CRV through its paces, from hard quick turns to fast starts and stops. Then onto the bumpiest roads we could find. I wasn't there to test the radio! Moe was a true sport to let me do what I did to make sure I would really enjoy the vehicle.
But there was 1 obstacle. Dealers can't let you on freeways to check passing power. So he went out of his way to borrow a similar SUV, which he drove and proved to me that we could easily speed up to 60mph and easily pass cars going 60. Important to me.
Moe wanted my wife and I to feel happy without a shred of a doubt that we were getting the SUV that was right for us.
With his knowledge of cars, easy going personality, we feel very happy, as I write this over a month after purchase. I Know I wouldn't have ended up feeling this good about a large $ item without Moe & AutoNation's 5 day return w/90 day free repairs!
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