Our 2016 Nissan Rogue's transmission failed, and while - Ross
Our 2016 Nissan Rogue's transmission failed, and while the diagnosis at Jeff Wyler Nissan in Eastgate was handled well, the issues began when we decided not to repair the transmission and instead have the car towed to be sold as is. I called the dealership ahead of time to ensure the car would be in a tow-ready area but received no response. When we arrived, a staff member showed us to the car, only to disappear for 20 minutes while trying to locate keys to move another vehicle that was blocking ours from being towed. We only managed to get the car moved after flagging down another employee. This experience wasted both our tow driver's and our time. Dealing with a failed transmission is frustrating enough; the least they could do is make the towing process easier, which it certainly wasn't.
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