We took our car into green mazda on dec 5th of 2024. - mystcjohn
We took our car into green mazda on dec 5th of 2024. we just got it back today. We took it in for a traction control sensor code. They returned the car to us 3 times saying it was fixed, and every single time it still had the same code on it. All in all they were paid almost $10k from us and our car warranty, and only at the end did they tell us that the transmission (which was fine when we took it in) was the problem and it would be another $11,000 to fix. So our car has the same problem it had when we took it in, and our car warranty wont cover any more repairs now.
When we complained we were asked to leave and told multiple times that it was normal to give the car back with the same code on it THREE TIMES. They returned the car to us with the steering wheel 90 degrees off, and told us that it was that way when we dropped it off, because they hadnt touched the steering. only later did they acknowledge that when they completely disassembled the front of our car to replace the timing chain (which was not what we took it in for and was not a problem, but was a nice pricy $3500 in labor for them that was paid by our warranty) that they DID detach the steering column and didnt check it when they reattached it.
Do not go here. they gaslight women (my wife was told multiple times that things that the car was fine, even though it wasnt) and it wasnt until i, "the man" got involved that they listened and diagnosed the actual problem we had taken it in for. Mike, the service manager and Ron, the "paperwork guy" will lie and tell you whatever they think they can get away with, and theyve been doing it long enough to make it sound convincing.
Will never do business with them again.
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