Lies... and ignorance - Mel99
Steve was our salesman. He was cocky, rude, and didn't know his product. The manager was even more clueless.
I told them it needed an alignment and they swore it drove perfect. I told them there was something wrong with the exhaust and they said that was done to look like that on purpose. I asked about the tires before I took the 2 hr drive and they said they were brand new. When I saw them I questioned the man's eyesight. I knew all this wasn't true, but I wanted the car so I let them talk their bs.
Got home, brought it to the mechanic and guess what!? It needs an alignment, a control arm, new tires, and its actually been in some type of accident that wasn't on the carfax, this is why the exhaust wasn't right. The rotors and breaks will need to be replaced very soon as well.
All this is fine and good, we new we were buying a used car and we could see the problems they were to inexperienced to notice. We had figured up in our head what the cost would be to fix these things and haggled them down $1700. Can I just say how much I loath the haggling game?
To top it off we had left and they had agreed on numbers finally. So we had to drive 40 minutes back. We told them we were in a hurry (and we had a preapproval so not much work on there part) and when we got there it took another hour to finish everything. For such a large lot I was surprised to find out they had to send the car off to get the inspection.
We finally left and after all this, you know what makes me the most angry? They said it had been serviced, and that was a lie too. We had to pay for an oil change when we got back home. They know nothing about the cars they're selling. They just want your money. Typical!
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