Ike is a thief! - ltorelli
Ike is a thief! When I asked Ike to help me buy a new car and sell my current one, he told me my credit would need work to get a better deal. He also told me he collaborates with a woman who does an excellent job! He also told me he would help me sell my car before the lease was up so I could make money on it, as the SUV market was at an all-time high.
Well, $2850 later, nothing was repaired, and my car was not listed on any sites.
I called Ike to complain,
1- He swore, he is the most honest businessman (lesson learned; if you have to tell me you’re honest, you’re probably not) Ike said that this takes some time, and I had to be patient.
2—He said to give it 90 days, but he was going to contact his associate.
3- He also told me that the car was listed, but it was an internal site only seen by other brokers across the country.
90 days came and went… nothing!!! Nothing was done on behalf of my credit, and my car was still not listed anywhere, I checked with another broker. I told Ike, I needed my money back. Of course, he blamed his associate for not doing anything, and it wasn’t his fault, he couldn’t give me a refund because she had the money, but he was going to check with his associate. For the next 2 months, it was the runaround, he was working on it, but he was having issues with his associate, she was not answering his calls… everything under the sun. He said there was no way he could give me money back.
I took to social media and wrote a negative review on what a terrible businessman Ike is. The next day he called me begging me to please take the reviews down, and that he would make it right. I told him to make it right first, then I would take the reviews down. He called me that afternoon crying the blues. He had no money, business was bad for him, but he would get the money to me if I took the reviews down. I told him to give me something before I did that. He agreed to give me ½ my money back immediately, and the rest the following, but to please take the reviews down. I trusted Ike and did it.
A month later, no money. I called and he ignored me. I left him voice mails, and texts telling him if he did not give me my money back, I would post the reviews again. No word for a week, so I posted again. Amazing… His phone suddenly worked again, and he called. He called me every name in the book and threatened me, saying he was Israeli and knew how to kill people and that I would be sorry. I laughed at him. For 2 days he called and begged me to remove the reviews, and started giving me every sob story in the world, citing he had 3 family deaths, a kidnapped nephew that he had to pay a ransom for and the best one was that his platelets were low and he was on the hospital. Pathetic!!! He called me crying and sobbing telling me all his problems. He owed me $1450, which he said he couldn’t afford but I was ruining his business and he couldn’t make money with bad reviews. He sent me $450 and begged me to take the reviews down. I told him I would not. A couple of days later he called me again in tears, crying, pleading, and begging… I did not believe or trust him. But at this point, he was so pathetic, and such a bad liar that I did it. Knowing I would never see my last $1000. I mentally wrote it off as bad gambling debt and removed the reviews. He swore he was going to send money. I told him, to send it, do not send it, it doesn’t matter, he was a cheap con man, and he always will be. I have no faith or trust in him. I told him not to ever call me for anything unless he was sending me money.
I was going to let this go. But yesterday, I got word that he screwed over more people, including a friend of mine who introduced us. I not only want to get the word out about this guy, but I am hoping he gets arrested and is tried for his criminal behavior. People need to know how bad of a person and how dangerous he is. No one should do business with Ike.
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