16330 NW US Hwy 441
Alachua, FL 32615
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The dealership was very easy to deal with. Good buying experience. We would recommend them.
Let’s you decided. Very pleasurable to work with. Will come back for sure. Brent is great!
Todd, Jason, and Jonathan were awesome. They were able to get us the price we wanted and get us out in a reasonable amount of time. We appreciate their hard work.
Great costumers service and nice people. In and out in no time. Looking forward to going back
When we got to the dealership Ms. Jule Davis was at the front of the dealership. When I was greeted by our Saleslady, Ms. Davis I had a great feeling that I was in the right place. I talked with her about the situation that had occurred in Lake City, Fl at Rountree Ford. She insured me that it would not be that way at Santa Fe Ford. I am so thankful I stayed and let Ms. Davis work some car buying power magic for what I was asking for. Thank you again Santa Fe Ford ALSO SHOUT OUT TO MS. JULIE DAVIS Thank you for your assistance.
Santa Fe Ford is the way to go when buying a used or new car. My dad bought me my first truck from them and I just bought a car on my own from them recently. I had the same salesman, Sean McCauley, for both purchases and he even remembered me even though it had been two years since I bought the truck. That's the type of sales person you want, someone who actually cares about you and what you drive away in. Him and the rest of the staff made the whole process so easy and I am very happy to have done buisness with them.
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