435 Lincoln Hwy
Fairless Hills, PA 19030
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sales Dept.
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How was the communication from the service department? (Optional)
How would you rate the service center's explanation of cost of service? (Optional)
How was the speed of service for your vehicle? (Optional)
How would you rate the quality of work performed? (Optional)
How was your vehicle home delivery from this dealership? (Optional)
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The staff at Fairless must be doing something right; we just bought our 2nd car in a year from them. The time and care Chris took with us was what really made this deal. That and the fact that they offered me higher than Blue Book for my car. This is a family business and by that I mean everyone is so close, has a lot of fun, and genuinely likes each other. Rob and Chris exerted a lot of effort in helping us get us exactly what we needed. They found us the lowest interest rates, more than top value for my trade, and a great extended warranty. In addition you can tell how much they care about their customers and that everyone who comes in leaves as another member of the family. Especially because they know you'll be back.
They never followed up despite several inquiries. Why would any do business from a dealer who can’t reply after multiple inquires?
Very nice place friendly people they are their to help you it was a great experience drove off in a nice car thank you will
Great company to work with! They take the time to assist you with whatever financial challenges that you are experiencing with buying a car. You can always reply and Rick.
First time at fairless hills motors and they are the BEST couldn't ask for nothing better! good customer service ,good deals and Great Employee's they sure make you feel like family !!! Loved the visit!!!!
When no one could get the job done they did! Dj helped me out and got me in a car that fits me! Everyone there at Fairless Motors treated me like family. I would recommend anyone to Fairless Motors to get a vehicle.
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