Tell us about your experience with Matthews Mitsubishi Planet PreOwned.
Reason For Visit
Did you purchase or lease a vehicle from this dealership?
sales Dept.
management Dept.
service Dept.
parts Dept.
How was your experience with the vehicle financing process? (Optional)
How would you rate the speed of your transaction? (Optional)
How would you rate the dealership's explanation of final vehicle pricing? (Optional)
If you traded in or sold a vehicle, how was that experience? (Optional)
How was the communication from the service department? (Optional)
How would you rate the service center's explanation of cost of service? (Optional)
How was the speed of service for your vehicle? (Optional)
How would you rate the quality of work performed? (Optional)
How was your vehicle home delivery from this dealership? (Optional)
Did you wait at the dealership during your service visit? (Optional)
How was your service pickup and delivery with this dealership? (Optional)
How important is the quality of the dealership's service center in the decision of where to purchase a car? (Optional)
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Very helpful, and also very informative on helping me make the right decision. It wa...
Everyone was very nice, my car took a couple days longer than they initially thou...
It was ok. The waiting room was nice. I had to wait longer than an hour and had to co...
Service manager was very kind and informative and kept me aware of the pr...
I trust the mechanic Rob to work on my cars. I know he does what's needed and it...
Tim got our Tiguan diagnosed and repaired in 24 hours. It seems as if there has been...
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