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How would you rate Bobby Borisov?
How about Bonita Beach Mitsubishi?
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Sales (New)
Sales (Used)

Did you purchase or lease a vehicle from this dealership?

sales Dept.

Bobby Borisov at Bonita Beach Mitsubishi
Bobby Borisov
Tap to rate
Kelley Cancio at Bonita Beach Mitsubishi
Kelley Cancio
Tap to rate
David XD a Cordon at Bonita Beach Mitsubishi
David XD a Cordon
Tap to rate
Ryan Shirk at Bonita Beach Mitsubishi
Ryan Shirk
Tap to rate
William Swartz at Bonita Beach Mitsubishi
William Swartz
Tap to rate
David Tran at Bonita Beach Mitsubishi
David Tran
Tap to rate

Could You Say a Little More? (Optional)

How was your experience with the vehicle financing process? (Optional)

How would you rate the speed of your transaction? (Optional)

How would you rate the dealership's explanation of final vehicle pricing? (Optional)

If you traded in or sold a vehicle, how was that experience? (Optional)

How was your vehicle home delivery from this dealership? (Optional)

How important is the quality of the dealership's service center in the decision of where to purchase a car? (Optional)

What Others Say

My oil change was done quickly for just over $100 after fees, taxes and a credit c...

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Everyone was amazing. Very straightforward and respectful. 100% rec...

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Excellent service, the staff is very nice and friendly. thank you very much !! good day!!

Buen servicio y atención al cliente, todos muy atentos e informativos, sin dudas re...

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G o o d s e r v I c e! T h a n k y o u!

I had a great experience here,the guys were very helpful specially David who hel...

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