Not very satisfied with Midwest Kia in Wichita… I bought - Bob
Not very satisfied with Midwest Kia in Wichita… I bought a car on Feb 27th for my Daughter and everything was going fine (so I thought)until we finally sat down with the Finance Manager(Gate Keeper). This was a joke!!! So, before we sat down with the Gate Keeper (Finance Manager), we of course meet with the salesman not the one who I had an appointment with(Timm) he never showed up, but Jovi help us. He was okay not the best, but he was okay, he spent a lot of time going back and forth between us and the Gate Keeper. I explained to Jovi that I needed to be at a certain price per month and I did not ask for anything extra no floor mats nothing, all I was needing is to be at the price I told him. We go through all the paper work with Jovi and I was trying to show my daughter how the process works and Jovi was able to get past me that the car only had one key, it wasn’t until we finally signed all the paper work and he handed me the key not key’s but key and I asked where is the other one and he said it only had one and he would try to get the other one from the prior owner which he did not. Now back to the Gate Keeper, we sat down in his office (my daughter and I) and I was declining everything he had to offer(you know the extra stuff they try to get you to buy) and you could see his attitude change and when we got to the GAP insurance and I declined it he said “It is Kansas Law that I need to get another person to verify that you don’t want it”. He went and got another Gate Keeper and he tried to sell us the GAP insurance and I once again declined and he left the room and the Gate Keeper we started with came back into the room and once again tried to sell us the GAP insurance and he pointed to the camera in the corner of his office and said “once again it is Kansas law to have a second person verify we don’t want the GAP insurance” and when I declined again he got upset. Now back to Jovi the salesman, remember I told him we needed to be at a certain price per month well that did not happen. I am not sure how the price changed from Jovi and when we sat down with the Gate Keeper it went up and now, I am paying more than what I wanted to. Yes, we could have walked away when the price was more than what we wanted but we live hours away from the dealership and it was getting late in the day, and we were crunched for time on getting a car. He also said he would call the prior owner by COB Friday March 7th and try to get the second key from him, and I have not heard from him I left messages for him to call me. I also asked him in prior conversations if he can’t get me the other key from the prior owner would they cover the cost of the key and I was told NO, Upper Management will not cover the cost. Remember I did not ask for anything when we bought the car, and I would think they would cover the cost but nope not a chance. Is the Upper Management that worried about achieving their numbers not just on selling cars but the financial piece? Does the Owner even know how the Gate Keeper is treating their customers when they decline to buy the extras. Does replacing a key break the bank? WELL DONE Midwest KIA and great job Gate Keeper, I hope it was worth losing a customer because I will never go back to your dealership again.
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