Social Referrals™

Earn More Customers
From Your Customers

Drive social referrals with the combined power of social media and happy customers.

Let’s Do It

Now Included For DealerRater® Customers At No Additional Cost
The Best Leads Come From

Friends of Friends.

In our business, there’s no question that referrals are some of the best leads your team can get. Not only do referrals have some of the highest close-rates among all types of leads, but they also require less effort, less cost, and have a higher gross than fresh ups*.

Drive The Leads That Close

Avg. Sales Close Rate
Referral Leads

* IncentiveFox: 3 Easy Ways to Get Your Salespeople on Board the Referral Train
** Dealer Synergy, Garbage In Garbage Out: Turn Your CRM From Trash to Treasure (NADA 2019)

Turn Your Happy Customers Into

Your Biggest Advocates

Your network of satisfied customers are a potential goldmine for referral leads — all they need is a little nudge. Social Referrals gives you an engine to start automatically generating these coveted leads by engaging with your happy customers at the exact moment they’re leaving you positive reviews. Here’s how it works.

Step One

Encourage The Share

Any customer who submits a 4 or 5 star review is immediately prompted to share their experience with their network. If you want to really turn up the volume of referrals, Social Referrals also lets you easily add your rewards like gift cards and cash to incentivize sharing.

Step Two

Multiply Your Reach

When a customer makes a recommendation with Social Referrals, they can instantly and easily share their experience either through email or by posting directly to Facebook, increasing the possibility to turn one referral into dozens by tapping into your customer’s entire social network

Step Three

Track Your Referrals

Every time you get a new lead that was referred by a previous customer, you’ll be able to clearly see who referred them inside your Dealer Panel, making it easy to track who your biggest advocates are, both inside and outside your dealership.

Turn Your Profiles Into
Referral Engines

For those customers that had a great experience but weren’t ready to share right away, Social Referrals also integrates into your DealerRater employee profiles, making it easy to capture referral opportunities anytime. Salespeople can also promote themselves by sharing their referral link, straight from the DealerRater® app!

Happy Customers Mean Business

You already do the hard work of providing great customer experiences. Social Referrals helps you automatically leverage that every day to build a pipeline of referral leads. Turn your biggest advocates into more customers by driving the best kind of leads to your store.

Already A DealerRater® Customer?

Social Referrals is already live and working for you right now.
Check out our training so you can get the most out of it!

Learn More

Ready to Start Getting Referral Leads?

Social Referrals is just one of the incredible tools that come standard with the DealerRater® suite of technologies. It’s your community — join in.

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