Started pumping gas right out of high school in the summer of 1977. Was hired to work the parts counter at the Montgomery Ward Auto Center that late summer. In 1979, one of my suppliers, Holland Auto parts hired me, and I managed that store until consolidating the operation with Heaton Park Auto Supply. I was there until the end of October 1988 when I was hired as a counterman at George Ballas Toyota and then promoted to parts manger. We were sold to Autofair, then we became Maumee Toyota, and my final stand was with Rouen Toyota until February 2001. I then spent 4 months as the Mazda parts manager at Brown and then on July 9, 2001, I found my current home as a counterman at Jim White Toyota. In a short time, I was named the parts manager and have been since.
Read moreDealership Experience
23 yrs, 9 mos
Industry Experience
47 yrs, 10 mos
Specialties & Trainings
Certified Master Parts Manager for multiple years
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