
Get More Reviews.
Grow Your Business.

Flip A Switch And Start Collecting
Happy Customers Across Every Platform.

Get Started

Reviews Make 97%
Of The Difference

97% of shoppers use reviews to choose the right local dealership*, and they trust them more than any advertising you can pay for, so it’s critical to consistently generate fresh, positive reviews everywhere those shoppers look. That takes time, planning, and process with your team — unless you have ReviewBuilder™.

*BrightLocal 2019 Local Consumer Review Survey, December 2019

Grow Your Reputation
Every Single Day, Automatically

ReviewBuilder™ builds a powerful reputation for your business by automatically soliciting reviews from each day’s customers and strategically distributing them across Google, Facebook, DealerRater, and

Step One

Syncs With Your DMS To
Identify Today’s Sold Customers

Step Two

Syncs With Your Platforms To
Analyze Which Need More Reviews Today

Step Three

Automatically Invites Today’s Customer
To Share Reviews via Text or Email

Dealers Who Use ReviewBuilder™ See…

5x Reviews

† Based on ReviewBuilder metrics of DealerRater customers, 2022

The Smart Way To
Distribute Reviews

Our unprecedented Smart Targeting℠ technology automatically distributes reviews across platforms based on their current standings to build a consistent, positive reputation wherever shoppers find you. You can let our A.I. grow each platform equally, or takeover and manually set where you want to focus your reviews

Automatically Grow Your
Fixed Ops Business, Too

ReviewBuilder™ can also automatically direct your Service reviews to distinct Service Department profiles within your Facebook and Google My Business accounts, allowing you to independently manage and grow both sides of your business

Turn On The Ultimate Review Machine

Every happy customer has a story to tell, but unless you ask for it, it may never be heard. ReviewBuilder™ securely leverages your DMS to solicit reviews from your verified sales and service customers every day, so your dealership’s reputation grows automatically and your team can focus on selling. Are you ready to flip the switch?

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