4 Mitsubishi Dealers near 18407

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1. Matthews Mitsubishi Planet PreOwned

Vestal , NY | 42.5 miles away

Top Reviewed Specialists At This Dealership

Deion Brown at Matthews Mitsubishi Planet PreOwned
Deion Brown

Sales Consultant

This rating includes all reviews, with more weight given to recent reviews.
Andy Husch at Matthews Mitsubishi Planet PreOwned
Andy Husch

Sales Associate

This rating includes all reviews, with more weight given to recent reviews.
Mykel Kittle at Matthews Mitsubishi Planet PreOwned
Mykel Kittle

Sales Consultant

This rating includes all reviews, with more weight given to recent reviews.

2. Motorworld Mitsubishi

Wilkes-Barre, PA | 27.2 miles away

Top Reviewed Specialists At This Dealership

Lisa Klimaitis at Motorworld Mitsubishi
Lisa Klimaitis

Certified Sales Associate

not yet
Employees need five ratings within 24 months before we can calculate an average rating.
David Kosik at Motorworld Mitsubishi
David Kosik

Certified Sales Associate

not yet
Employees need five ratings within 24 months before we can calculate an average rating.
Tyler Pencek at Motorworld Mitsubishi
Tyler Pencek

Certified Sales Associate

not yet
Employees need five ratings within 24 months before we can calculate an average rating.

3. Ken Pollock Mitsubishi

Carbondale, PA | 2.7 miles away

4. Stroudsburg Mitsubishi

East Stroudsburg, PA | 42.3 miles away