SHAWNA LOTTS @ CDRJ DODGE -MINEOLA, TX.- lead with professionalism, kindness, updated time alerts, and just a personable deposition start to finish!!!! This dealership is located over 40 miles away from my hometown in TYLER- in which WE ALSO HAVE A PATTERSON DODGE DEALERSHIP. My experience THERE ( TYLER LOCATION ( less than 6 miles from my front door ) was beyond unacceptable, highly disappointing, a complete waste of time, and given being self employed, wasted and a loss of resources/revenue. I also got the impression after making a decision at the end of the day to remove my vehicle- from TYLER/PATTERSON,- because of getting an uneasy feeling as if the service potentially may have gone without being replaced (airbag recall ) BASED SIMPLY OFF OF WHAT THE SERVICE REP ASSIGNED TO ME/MY VEHICLE -stated . My gut instinct , not to mention common sense, tells me it would take more that 45mins to pull an entire dash , replace airbag, and whatever mechanism that causes FATALITIES AND INJURIES, THUS MAKING IT A “LEGAL RECALL” in the first place!!! NOT TO MENTION after not getting any updates other than 1- ( ONE )when I initially dropped it off at 7:30 am, via sms text -I go up there thinking maybe they just hadn’t had time to call, only to find out they’ve never even touched the car- So the SRA- called to back to follow-up- infront of me,- THEY LITERALLY TELL HER THEY DID NOT HAVE THE PART( as the voice ECHOED/CARRIED THRU the phone 😳 , as I’m standing there-SO THATS WHY THEY HADNT STARTED , she never used the word “ORDERED”- but she did say it was placed XYZ… giving the date I initially called and spoke with this same lady 2 weeks beforehand and even making this standing appt. on this particular day!!!! However this is what the service rep advisor I was assigned STATED, and the timing left(45m) approx.4:35pm cst ) - before closing 5:30pm!!! And assured me even though they HAD NOT started , ( ALL DAY) - they could hav it done in this timing mentioned above(45mins.) before the close of that day. My mom and myself, accompanied with her on a prior , yet totally separate service issue and car- has left me NOT TO VIEW THIS DEALERSHIP IN THE BEST LIGHT , due to deception, loss of her initial original key fob 🙄 , amongst other observations, - I couldn’t help but feel, DISAPPOINTMENT, DECEPTION AND ANGER due to an entire 9hour day gone to waste in dealing with TYLER PATTERSON DODGE!!!
So because my son came to be a driver , in the hopes they were done,- or we only had a short time to wait as they finished up- I MADE THE COMMON SENSE DECISION TO PULL IT FROM TYLER/ DODGE….
I immediately started looking up others nearby and stumbled upon STANLEY/ GILMER C/D/J/R- were SHAWNA LOTTS is whom I spoke with from start to finish- placing me on hold, checking to see if they had it- ( based off VIN ) and giving her a very minute version of my story- and THE SEVERITY OF WHY , NOT TO MENTION BEING SELF EXPLANATORY- was sooooo important!!!!! It’s AN AIRBAG RECALL for Christ sake- 🤦🏾♀️ (recalls only become RECALLS due to a number of FATAL ACCIDENTS and /OR injuries, that are recorded in a DATA BASE!!!! So if that isn’t enough to remove all deception from any individual given the part that is being recalled- then that person shouldnt be in customer service!!!!😡 especially only to be able to file a ticket for that dealership to be reimbursed for monies and services that hadn’t be done!!!😡 Needless to say
PATTERSON has traumatized me, with their actions and verbal baseless promises. Apart from them SHAWNA LOTTS was upbeat , sounded personable and caring - just in the voice and general laughs we shared with general conversation as she was making my future appointment. Her honesty, (Bkuz she came bk on after a brief hold as she checked wit the parts dept.-stating they DID NOT HAVE IT in- but she just ordered it ,giving an ETA when it would be in and appt. Was based a week or two after to be on safe side.))So appreciate her,MAINLY HER HONESTY!!
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