On January 24, 2025 , A purchase a 2020 Tahoe from - Jesse
On January 24, 2025 , A purchase a 2020 Tahoe from McKinney Dodge and Mazda dealership, Assistant bus sales and leasing consultant Loriel. She guided me through the process of test drive in several Tahoe at different price points, Demonstrating her healthfulness and honesty throughout, Ultimately, I decided to purchase the 2020 Tahoe in his current condition, which meant no warranty was included. I understand the implienation of this decision. After purchasing the vehicle, I began my journey home, And within less than an hour, The check engine light appeared. Upon arriving home, I contacted Loriel, the sales consultant, And informed her of the issues. She promptly called me back, instructing me to return the vehicle on the following next day, and They would address the problem and provide a loaner car. A week later, I returned to retrieve my vehicle and return the loaner car. , As I proceed to get gas, The check Engine light reappeared. I called the dealership again, And they advise me to bring the vehicle back for further examination. Although they were not obligated to repair the vehicle, Given us lack of warranty, The dealership, honestly and generosity and commitment to their products were evident, Unfortunately, The vehicle required attention from the Chevrolet dealership, Resulting in a longer repair. Throughout the process Loriel, General Manger Daniel, Hunter Hixon, and Henry sevice manger Provided in valuable assistance in resolving the issue. I appreciate exceptional service and we will definitely be purchasing another vehicle from them. Thank you for providing a great experience and demonstrating their genuine concerns for customer satisfaction and high standards for their business. Jesse R.
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