After a very expensive ($1500) visit to this place to... - LunarMist
After a very expensive ($1500) visit to this place to resolve an emissions and check engine light issue, rotate tires, and have some brake work done, I drove away with the check engine light coming back on and both hubcaps on the passenger side of the car falling off within a few days. The service people handled the issue quite poorly, suggesting that the hubcaps may have been stolen (even though they came off while I was driving), and blaming an oil change center for the issue which caused the check engine light to come on again (even though I repeatedly told them that the check engine light came on after their work, and before I changed my oil). Long story short, I live some distance from the shop, and it was some time until I was able to get in and have them check their work regarding the check engine light issue. I had called immediately, but they ended up charging me $50 to reconnect an air filter hose that they claimed "somehow" became disconnected, saying that everything they repaired had nothing to do with this. Either way, I'm supposed to believe that my air filter magically became disconnected within a couple days of having my emissions system worked on by this place. What I'm really complaining about is the poor business tactic in the way that they seemed to provide endless stories or explanations of any possible scenarios in which they were not responsible for the issue, rather than listening to me and responding appropriately according to my experience with the car.
In the end, I realized I had brought the car in to have a sticking gas pedal fixed, and a general mileage check up. I realize they were working to resolve larger issues. But they ended up suggesting I simply not do the routine maintenance and "wait and see what happens" with my car. (It runs great at 207,000+). They did no good on the gas pedal issue which I ended up resolving at a local repair shop (the throttle bore simply needed to be cleaned--they did not locate the issue the first time I was in, saying they could not find any "obstructions" by the mat), and enlisted me these expensive repairs. In the end, they didn't really do me good in terms of business practices, and as a customer, I felt hassled. I understand that it is difficult for them to know what happened between the time they saw my car originally and when I brought it back in, but they handled the fact that I was reporting poor service with them very poorly, not taking responsibility for any of the issues I had with them (although they did then attempt to re-diagnose and address the gas pedal for additional charge--couldn't find it the first time??? At the dealer??? No thanks.) Next time, listen to the customers, and respond accordingly to what s/he is telling you, instead of making up unnecessary stories to divert the issue.
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