Iv given this dealership another try to win me over,well - Neilfaircloth
Iv given this dealership another try to win me over,well like a dummy I came back,I bought a new 2024 chevy silverado rst and iv had nothing but trouble with it,the people in the service department are the worst have no idea on how to fix your car if it ever break down or has any problems,let something new come up that they have never experienced then they will be quick to tell you that it's normal only because they can't figure it out,they will lie to you because of there unexperienced auto mechs,there's no real mechanical anymore that can just get into your car and ride with you or just cranking it up and listening,these young mechs go off there little computers and if they can't figure it,,,,,it normal,i paid way to much money for these trucks and on top of that it's a lease,it's there xxx and they can't do anything to help me out,capital chevrolet is only there to take your money and boot you out the door,so take it from me if your brand new car,suv,truck goes bad don't take it back to the dealership at capital chevrolet,xxxx you can go in there with your motor hanging out the side of the vehicle and they will tell you that it's normal just because it didn't pop up a code.
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