Car Never Should Never Have Been Sold - EH
Was sold a terrible vehicle in September that shouldn't have ever been sold. No way it passed inspection at a reputable place. Before I even picked up the vehicle, it needed brake lines to be repaired. They supposedly did that but less than two weeks after I bought it, the brakes gave out while I was driving my kids to school. I called them, furious, and they had me bring it to another mechanic who they recommended. They said the brakes were in terrible shape and that all six lines needed replacing. Tower paid for that. Then, in November, the timing chain broke and so we replaced the entire engine and the catalytic converters. The car had less than 100,000 miles on it and the mechanic agreed that it wasn't normal to have the belt break like that with so few miles on the car. I split the bill with Tower since technically it was out of warranty (by two weeks) but they "felt bad" that the car was having these issues. The car was off the road for two weeks and I had to rent one. Now, the car is making a weird whirring noise. And takes forever to start (had to call AAA to start it today). Brought it to a new mechanic (who Tower Auto isn't buddies with). They said they can't believe the car ever passed inspection and was unsafe to drive. They showed me the underside so I could take photos and the back half of the frame is rotted away. A few spots of damage has been welded over but not really repaired properly and there are plenty of spots that are just gaping rusty holes. There are issues with the steering pump and steering column, loads of sensor malfunctions, the insides of the tires are completely worn down (meaning a likely suspension issue), ignition misfiring, and a bunch of other things. Worst of all?? After TWO major repairs, the brake lines are STILL LEAKING! I was told by this mechanic to not drive the car home because it was unsafe, especially with my children in it AND being 8 months pregnant. They advised me to call a lawyer because the car was never suitable to be sold and should never have passed a legitimate inspection. Right now, the repairs I am looking at would be upward of $4,000. After I already put almost $2,000 into it. And overpaid for it by thousands to begin with. And had to pay for rental cars and Uber rides during the lengthy repairs. I'm hoping Tower will choose to do the right thing without all the unnecessary litigation.
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