I recently took my car into Sunny Side Acura (SSA) for an - Trekblue98
I recently took my car into Sunny Side Acura (SSA) for an issue with my NAV unit. The unit had been having issues since I bought the car, and I reported it to SSA repeatedly but they said it needed to be completely broken before they would look at it. It happened about a hundred times (give or take), and all I did, was turn off the car and restarted it. Did this for the first year and a half but it worked.
However, while I was on the road one day, I had to call Acura Roadside Assistance to get my car started since it was dead - the NAV completely died and drained the battery while sitting overnight at a hotel. I called SSA and let them know that I was stranded and Acura Roadside came out to get my car started but the NAV and other features were dead, including my blindspot monitoring. I spoke with a SSA customer service rep and she said they were too busy this month to look at it, try next month. The Acura Roadside Tech was there and gave me ideas where to go but I pushed back repeatedly to SSA and stated that Acura said I shouldn't drive the car since it was unsafe. She finely agreed, and said bring it in and they will get to it at some point.
I asked about a loaner, she had none, and stated it would be weeks before they get one. I called a week later about the car and she was again, unhelpful, and extremely rude, and said no loaner. When I mean rude, I cannot state it enough, my phone was on speaker and the people around me at that time were absolutely appalled and shocked with her behavior and they supported me well through this - they recommended a call to management. So I called the service manager, he was nice and helpful, he got me loaner of my choice and agreed that each week they will call me and give me an update on my Acura.
After the third week I called, since they didn't, as they agreed to and I spoke with my service agent again, who lashed out at me stating that she had no idea what was going on with my car and she will call me when it was done. Since my phone was on speaker everyone in the restaurant waiting area were appalled and made comments to me how they would never tolerate a service agent speaking to them like that - that's how bad it was.
At this point it had been approaching a month, so I contacted the state of NH and it was determined that my car would qualify for the lemon law after one month, which it was getting very close to that time.
Ironically, I finally get the car back one day shy of the lemon law. I didn't get an apology for the month it took to get the car fixed. On the way home I was driving, and when I made a lane change I almost hit someone in my blindspot, since the blindspot was still not working, even though I asked them to fix it. So the repair was not finished as I asked for in the beginning.
What I do not understand, is that we agreed to meet in the middle, just one call a week and that's all I wanted. I didn't want to bug SSA, I get they are busy, a two minute call once a week seems reasonable and they agreed to it. It didn't even bother me that she was unpleasant and unprofessional the first time, hey we all have bad days I get it, but over and over again is too much and unprofessional.
Overall, this service really upset me and no one along the way really seemed concerned over the quality of service that was provided. I don’t really know what else to say about the whole thing. I’ll also write an official complaint to Acura shortly (the whole story, this is shortened for this review) as well since it is important, they know of this experience as well.
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