This review is based on my exceptional experience with - CHUCK.ARANDA
This review is based on my exceptional experience with Trey Miller, the body shop manager for Bo Beuckman Quality Ford, for repairs on a 2023 Ford Explorer that was not even purchased from their dealership. The car was purchased in California by my in-laws, both in their mid 80's, who we had just moved back to Missouri to live with us for major health reasons. It was time for their regularly scheduled service call to maintain their warranty. I took it in to Bo Beuckman service department and after checking it out was informed that there was significant damage from rodents (rats) that had made a nest in the engine compartment and chewed several wire harnesses...unfortunately not covered by the warranty. They suggested I contact our insurance company to see if it was covered. They also informed me if they did cover it, I would have to work through the body shop department because they handled all claims insurance related.
Well fortunately the insurance would cover the repairs, after a $1000 deductible. That is when I was introduced to Trey Miller, the body shop manager. From the minute I explained the situation he was great, demonstrating empathy and compassion for both my in-laws and the situation they were in with the car. He jumped right it and engaged in many conversations with different people from our insurance company as they worked through trying to determine the extent of the damage and what they would cover....which ended up being $4,900. He was patient and kept me informed on the status throughout the entire 25 day process.
Trey was a great "Ambassador" for Bo Beuckman, and to me, represents the type of individual any employer should be looking to hire because he truly understands what "customer experience" is all about.
As a result of the experience I had working with Trey Miller at Bo Beuckman, I would certainly recommend them to others!
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