A Very Special Five Star Technician - Grateful, lindalu
On Tuesday, August 22, I drove over to Five Star Toyota after work. I had hit the dash of my Rav 4
with the bottom of my hand, after getting frustrated, and my " defrost/heat" dial button fell into hole that it was positioned into. I drove into "service entrance" and got out of my car. I wanted to find out what it would cost and how long it would take to fix it. This young man walked in front of my car and said, "Yes m'am, can I help you? I asked him to come look at what I'd done and tell me what he thought. He
got into my car, explained it would have to be pushed back into place from behind. He then
proceeded to pull the entire dash apart explaining that pieces locked together without
screws, and each piece overlapped the next.
It took him about 10 minutes max, and it was
fixed perfectly! I was so impressed and so thankful! Not only is this young man a very talented Five Star Technician, he is a kind, thoughtful young man,who Five Star is very fortunate to have on their team! His name is
Adam Honnell. Thank you Adam!
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