500 Eastchester Dr
High Point, NC 27262
Reason For Visit
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sales Dept.
finance Dept.
management Dept.
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How would you rate the dealership's explanation of final vehicle pricing? (Optional)
If you traded in or sold a vehicle, how was that experience? (Optional)
How was the communication from the service department? (Optional)
How would you rate the service center's explanation of cost of service? (Optional)
How was the speed of service for your vehicle? (Optional)
How would you rate the quality of work performed? (Optional)
How was your vehicle home delivery from this dealership? (Optional)
Did you wait at the dealership during your service visit? (Optional)
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I have dealt with Mike and Marvin numerous times..they are the best..I highly recommend them to anyone
very nice to work with and treated me very well. The sales person Clay and the finance person (can't remember his name) both were super nice and treated me so well. 5 stars for both
They helped make the purchase of a new 2025 Prius relatively low stress. I felt valued throughout the entire process. From Christi Shadrick at the beginning of the process with me, to Mike Reid (my excellent sales agent), to Marcus Bryant in finance, I had a good experience. It was snowy when I was going through the car purchase process, and they were wonderful about keeping the car nice and clean and ready to drive, then after the snow was gone getting it nice and cleaned up (fully detailed) for taking home I appreciated that they didn't use high pressure sales tactics — it made me more inclined to buy the car from them (which I did indeed end up doing)
My salesman Jerome Johnson did an excellent job! The car cleaning wasn’t as good.
As a first time car buyer, I had a very good experience. Mr. Jerome Johnson answered all of my questions and I didn’t feel pressured to make a decision. I was able to take my time and get a car I really wanted.
Very clean & friendly atmosphere. All employees were respectful & willing to assist me. Very eager to assist me with my disability.
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