500 Eastchester Dr
High Point, NC 27262
Reason For Visit
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sales Dept.
finance Dept.
management Dept.
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How would you rate the dealership's explanation of final vehicle pricing? (Optional)
If you traded in or sold a vehicle, how was that experience? (Optional)
How was the communication from the service department? (Optional)
How would you rate the service center's explanation of cost of service? (Optional)
How was the speed of service for your vehicle? (Optional)
How would you rate the quality of work performed? (Optional)
How was your vehicle home delivery from this dealership? (Optional)
Did you wait at the dealership during your service visit? (Optional)
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I was impressed with the professionalism of Alex. He was not high pressure and he knew I was serious about taking home a car without alot of games or nonsense that other dealers have demonstrated. He was respectful of my time and we reached an agreement without alot of back and forth - I knew what I was prepared to pay and we came to an agreement without any drama. I would definitely recommend anyone meeting with Alex to buy a car.
Greg was not pushy and was extremely helpful with my 80 year old Father. We will definitely recommend him to others.
Excellent customer service!!! Everyone was super friendly and helpful. Kept my price range in mind and found exactly what we wanted. Clay Hudson (salesman) and Erik Rodriguez (GM) are the absolute best!!!!!
This was a great car buying experience. I would definitely be back for next car
Freddy was very helpful and friendly to us. He made the whole process seem easy .
I have been purchasing cars, new and used, for over 45 years and I can honestly say that this was one of the easiest and most pleasant experiences I have had. The dealership has a friendly and low pressure sales approach. Freddie was very customer service oriented and helpful. He assisted me in getting all of the stuff out of my trade in including taking off the roof racks. Of course I forgot something in the vehicle and retrieved for me. Thanks guys!
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