Wilson County Motors Chevrolet Buick GMC - Service Center
Lebanon, TN

53 Reviews of Wilson County Motors Chevrolet Buick GMC - Service Center
I had my 2010 GMC Yukon (15000 miles) towed into this dealership (the same I purchased the car from) a well over a week ago for transmission problems. The transmission was slipping and finally wouldn't e dealership (the same I purchased the car from) a well over a week ago for transmission problems. The transmission was slipping and finally wouldn't even go into first gear after putting the car in drive. I spoke to a representative at the parts department, Jeff, and he kindly offered to tow the car to the dealership, and even put my wife in a rental while it was repaired. They had the car about 10 days, kept me updated, and gave the car back stating it was fixed. The very next day, my wife and I left the house to run some errands in our newly repaired Yukon. Halfway through our trip, the problems started all over again. We hadn't even gone down the road 20 minutes and I heard a faint shrill coming from underneath the hood. About 5 minutes later, the engine makes the same noise but louder and the rpms rise sharply as the car starts to slow down. I quickly dropped off my wife and hurried to get the car to the dealership with several stops in between just so I could get the car back into gear... with an automatic transmission! I go into the department and Jeff's there and I explain my car's doing the exact same thing it was when it was first brought in. He went off to receive the service manager, who casually walks into the department with his cup of coffee and, without batting an eye says to me, "We're closing up early today for a funeral." Now, I'm respectful of these types of situations, but; 1) you weren't closed yet, 2) you still have to operate a business, and 3) isn't the customer your number one priority? How about, "Hello sir. What can we do for you? I'm sorry about the inconvenience. Unfortunately, we're closing up early today but this is what I can do for you now ____ and we'll call you back first thing Monday morning to give you a status report." That sounds much more professional to me. So the manager then asks what car was mine and asks what the problem was. I tell him the same thing as before and he wants to know if an engine light came on. I say no, and he says I can bring the car back Monday, or I can leave it there. I barely got the thing over there in the first place, why on earth would I drive it back home? Please use some common sense. All the while, the service manager is smirking at me, as if this entire situation is funny. Now, I'm mad about the car, irritated that I'm having to bring it back the very next day, and furious that this guy is being rather condescending, when I'm having a problem with one of HIS products. So, my main question is, will my car get fixed? So I ask about what happens next and he says they'll have to contact engineering and go from there. We've already been down that road once so I ask, "What happens if you can't fix the car?" He states that after three system failures of the same nature in a row, GM might buy back the car! That's not what I was asking. I was wanting to know if you would just have to replace the entire transmission. In their defense, I was put into a rental again, and rather quickly, but I really felt it was done so fast just to get me out of there. I feel like now that I've bought the car, I don't matter anymore since I've signed papers. So, Is my car going to get fixed? We'll see... More
I was not at all satisfied with the "Customer Satisfaction" and service received from the parts dept. The parts dept made me feel more like an idiot than a customer. Which makes me pose the quest Satisfaction" and service received from the parts dept. The parts dept made me feel more like an idiot than a customer. Which makes me pose the question. Does service and satisfaction STOP as soon as you sign the papers on a vehicle? In my case YES. I own a 2004 GMC Yukon. I purchased this vehicle from the used car lot there a few years ago. Now mind you I was "ACTUALLY" asked that question today at the dealership almost word for word. Except the question went as follows. "Did you buy the vehicle from us?" In which I responded "Yes". And the follow up question was "New Or Used?" And my response was "used". Like they have a back door or different dept that handles "Outsiders" By this further verifying that if I was not in the buying or recently purchased business. Then I need to get my GM parts elsewhere. From a company that actually states Customer Satisfaction in bold letters on the pledge tab of their website. With added italics by the way. I came to the dealership to have a key made because I was a "Bonehead" and left my keys on the trunk of my wife's car and she drove off and now they're gone. And Yes it was ALL my fault. I'm not denying that. So that was my initial reason for being in the parts dept. I even went so far as to call first and talked with a lady (who seemed very friendly) on the phone. And actually seemed to reason with me when I got there. But when she took me back to the parts dept...friendliness was the only thing she was allowed to offer. She was very nice and I felt as if she wanted to help but whoever runs thats parts dept apparently trumps her ranking. Now back to my visit. I have been in despair with my truck in the driveway without access. So I stop by the dealership. With drivers licsence and title in hand. Yes I said Title. I have the blessing of having my vehicle paid for. Which in todays economy is a good thing. Or so I thought. Apparently to Wilson County Mtrs. It don't mean "JACK". I asked the parts guy at the counter. If I could get a key made for my vehicle. To which he replied that I needed a "Valid" registration and a drivers liscense. I thought I had one better. I have the "Title" AND a drivers liscense. Hows that? Well..........Here we go. He proceeds to inform me that it HAS to be a "Valid" registration. Well, where I come from. (Wilson County BTW) A "VALID" form of ownership IS a title. You know that green piece of paper that state sends you when you "Actually" own it and not the bank. Well guys, thats not proof enough at the ol' Wilson County Mtrs. Apparently, according to this parts guy. That the government has actually recruited parts depts at the this GM dealerships to help in the fight to stop people from driving un-registered vehicles. Yep. That was his spill to me at least. Now, mind you I do support the fact that not just anybody can waltz in and get a key to somebodys vehicle. And I highly support security measures to prevent that. Now if those form of security measure go higher than a title in proof of ownership. I'm not so sure that can be accomplished. Other than just driving the vehicle there myself since possession is 9/10ths of the law. But remember? I don't have a key. So I leave. I call a guy at another dealership who in turns refers back to the girl I talked to on the phone. She tells me to come back. I do this. To only be turned away by the parts guy. This time he was more animate by pulling out the GM memo and pointing to the little word that says registration. Now, pop quiz. Where do 100% of the people keep their "registration"??? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say in their vehicle. And I would have mine if "I HAD A KEY" !!! Nice policy guys. I'm gonna say that it was more that he just didn't want to fool with me than policy. Then he proceeded to informed that for just a dollar I can get a copy of my registration at the court house. He was so helpful. So again I leave. This is when I contact my wife on her phone who btw works for Infinty and I wanted to know their policy on keys. To which we all know Infinity is just a luxury version of Nissan. I would have one (especially now). If they made a Yukon. But they don't. Plus, mine is paid for andnot such a good idea if you have a family of five to haul to ball games. And the Yukon meets those needs. My wife then informs me that they require some form of identification tying the vehicle VIN and YOU to ownership. Which to me is common sense. That brings me back to the question. You would think that a motor company (or any company) for that matter would go above and beyond the call of duty. To meet a former customers needs. Because a buck is hard to make these days. And extremely hard in car dealership. Did I hear someone say "Buy Out"? Nevermind.....What I'm getting at is...The service was terrible because apparently I was not buying a new vehicle or buying any vehicle for that matter. So let's do the math on how much this dealership lost. First off a key is 40 bucks+. And I'm gonna need a door remote. Well thats an extra 65 bucks. As you know. That thing has to be programed. Theirs $125. Come to think of it. My speedometer is acting crazy and last I checked those are over $400 and add labor to that....I'm gonna say somewhere in the neighborhood of about a smooth grand. Yep. $1000.00 smackers.....So I'm taking that money to someone who "DOES" pledge satisfaction no matter "NEW" "USED" or indifferent. Someone who meets my needs and doesn't just make excuses. And someone who "WANTS" my business. Apparently Wilson County Motors has plenty. So not to be so lengthy. And please excuse any mis-spellings. This is just a rough draft I haven't proof read yet. Before I post it in the letters to editors section of our local paper:) So good luck with your memo to put a stop to un-registered drivers riding around. Hope it was worth the money. Good Day..... More
RATING SHOULD BE 0. THIS IS THE MOST INCOMPETENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT I HAVE SEEN IN MY 40 YEARS OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS!!!!! This dealer spent over a week trying to solve an electical problem. Their final DEPARTMENT I HAVE SEEN IN MY 40 YEARS OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS!!!!! This dealer spent over a week trying to solve an electical problem. Their final conclusion was that we needed to replace 17 sensors in the electrical system. "Very very expensive and you probably would not want to spend several thousand (!) dollars on this seven year old car" implying that we should just stay in the sales lobby until we buy a new buick. We took the car immediately to VIC JENKINS CHEV in Gallatin and within twenty minutes they found the source of the problem. A bad radio. Pulled the radio out and no more problems with the electrical system. DO NOT ALLOW WILSON COUNTY MOTORS TO TOUCH YOUR CAR. More