Wessels Used Cars
Dillsburg, PA

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1 Review of Wessels Used Cars
not so great I've already spent (or will soon spend) 2/3 of the car's value on repairs, and I'm only 3 1/2 years into ownership. Read on to hear more. In August I've already spent (or will soon spend) 2/3 of the car's value on repairs, and I'm only 3 1/2 years into ownership. Read on to hear more. In August 2013, I purchased a car from Wessel's. 2010 Subaru Forester. It was 3 years old or less at the time. Got an OK deal, paying just under KBB value. In the first year of ownership, I paid over $2k in repairs (brakes, belts, water pump, tires). When I bought the car, I specifically called out the tires, but was told (by Mark Deal) that they were fine and had passed inspection. Worth noting, Wessel had my car inspected by a different mechanic than the one he referred me to a year later - the mechanic he referred me to told me the tires were shot, and I was lucky they hadn't exploded on me over the 12 months of use. Great. Strike one. By the end of my second year of ownership, I had spent about $2,700 on repairs (not including standard maintenance like oil changes, ets.). I complained to Bill Wessel, directly, about the issues. He assured me he'd take care of me. He offered to fix the broken rear window (it stopped responding to the controls, and was stuck in the partially down position - not good for winter and rain). However, after taking a full day off work to come in and get the repairs, his mechanic failed to order the right part. The second full day I took off, he got it done, but inadvertently damaged the film on the window. Great. Strike two. And just last month, my cylinder head started leaking oil. That's going to be another $1700. Great. KBB value today is about $6700. I've already spent (or will soon spend) 2/3 of the car's value on repairs, and I'm only 3 1/2 years into ownership. So, rather than give you my opinion, those are the facts. Hope this helps anyone who's looking to buy a car from Bill Wessel and team, and would like to know about a real customer's experience, first-hand. I wish I had read this before giving them my business. Thanks, and safe driving to you. More