
Tynan's Nissan Aurora - Service Center

Aurora, CO

5,581 Reviews

5,581 Reviews of Tynan's Nissan Aurora - Service Center

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January 24, 2014

I went a more that week ago to get a part for my vehicle and i was told that it was going to take 3 days to get it, and now it has been a little more than i week and and still waiting so i not happy with More

by Efrainromeo
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Employees Worked With
Jeff Andre
Feb 18, 2014 -

Tynan's Nissan Aurora responded

Thank you sharing your recent experience with me and I’m sorry to hear the part you ordered did not arrive sooner. I never like to hear that a customer has walked away dissatisfied and encourage you to contact me. Sincerely, Jason Simons 303-341-7330 Service Manager
