Town and Country Select
Bushnell, FL
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1 Review of Town and Country Select
Saturday, 01/26/13, I traded my 2000 Jeep, for your 2006 Jeep Commando,(which is nice), after purchasing this vehicle, I realized with the help of my credit union pulling up the NADA that I was overcharged Jeep Commando,(which is nice), after purchasing this vehicle, I realized with the help of my credit union pulling up the NADA that I was overcharged and didn't get the full benefit for my trade in.Nada show for a 2006 Commando,12,125; rough trade,$7225, ave trade, $8325, clean trade,9225, so now I feel cheated, with this overall with everything should hv end with me being finance $16000, not me end of paying 23,000 or more. So my credit union want finance me because I was over charge. If they,'re not willing to finance my vehicle @ a low interest rate, what you think the bank or whoever you get to finance this vehicle I purchased? That 7percent rate that we did in the contract might end up being, higher & I lose again. I guess I should have done my homework with this company. I'm disappointed right now in this company & myself for not doing my homework. More