Key Auto Liquidation
Milton, FL

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1 Review of Key Auto Liquidation
The salesmen, management and service employees all seem to do everything they can to squeeze every cent out of their customers. I bought a 4 year old mazda , and two weeks later the brakes went out. I was to do everything they can to squeeze every cent out of their customers. I bought a 4 year old mazda , and two weeks later the brakes went out. I was first told that they would not do anything because brakes were something that "you can't tell when they'll go bad just by looking at them." They finally agreed to put brakes on the car when my fiancee, now husband, and i went down to tell them they could have the car back, since we hadn't even made one payment on it yet. When we told them that, all of a sudden they were happy to put brakes on it. Our last mistake was not insisting on getting a receipt of some sort for our "Free", "brand-new" brakes. Guess what? ten months later, our "brand-new" brakes are out again. i can't seem to quit kicking myself for ever buying this car- it wasn't really something i was thrilled about getting, it was about $2000 more than i wanted to spend, and the interest rate was outrageous. it makes me sick to my stomach to think how i got ripped off. the best i can do is tell anyone who will listen!!!!! More