Healey Brothers Mitsubishi
Goshen, NY

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4 Reviews of Healey Brothers Mitsubishi
Let me start out by saying the ONLY good thing about this dealership is Andrew and Nick from service!!!! i bought a 2018 Outlander Sport, drove it right out of the showroom...since the day i bought it the dealership is Andrew and Nick from service!!!! i bought a 2018 Outlander Sport, drove it right out of the showroom...since the day i bought it the radio would just turn on by itself and my phone would pair but show i had zero contacts. 5 times it has been in the service dept, ive been told the radio has been replaced twice, all phones BUT mine pair fine...so i was told to get a new phone, new wires to connect car play, etc. I did all of that, phone still doesn't pair and the radio still turns on by itself. after having car for 3 weeks i was told to come in and do a test drive w nick, radio turned on twice!! then i was told to come back and do ANOTHER test drive so they could video the radio turning on. I have a job!! i do not have time to keep going back n forth. its now been a month and NOTHING!! I received a call from Andrew apologizing saying they have no idea and to come pick up the car! So now i have a $1200 phone i did NOT need and doesn't pair contacts still and a car w the radio that turns on by itself. I was told the service mgr would drive it home and the gas would be replaced, it went in w a fairly full tank, i received it back with 60 miles left in the gas tank. (but i had to refuel the loaner they gave me or pay some crazy price per gallon) When i went in to pick up my car this morning...Andrew was not in, the man behind the plexiglass said ok here is your key and receipt. i sat there in awe of his dismissiveness. I said AND? he replied and what? I said what is the compensation for a month without my car and still not fixed? he said well other peoples phones paired so IDK what to tell you. and the radio? he said what about it?? Oh Good God, do you have any idea about me car? he read the notes and said again IDK, i can call andrew if youd like. I said yes PLEASE and waited for him to pick up the phone. he sat there looking at me, and said oh i cannot do that now!! i looked around i was the only one there and said why not? He said ill have andrew call you. So lets sum it up, fuel tank empty, problem NOT solved, $1200 cell phone i didnt need, month without my car and wasnt even offered a xxxx car wash!!!!! ABSOLUTE WORST DEALERSHIP EVER!!!!!!!! I am so sickened by this whole situation, i have been extremely patient and to basically have the key slid across the desk w a receipt and a blank stare through plexiglass was more than i could take! i have NEVER felt so dismissed in my life!! I was told at one point anyone whos anyone in Healey Mitsubishi was involved in this...all this has told me is that NO ONE from this dealership gives a xxxx if the car is fixed or the customer is happy except for Andrew!!!! you would think companies like this would want people to give good reviews to return. Oil changes for the car for as long as i own it wouldve been acceptable!! a xxxx car wash wouldve been nice. what did i receive??? NOTHING!! A blank stare and a shrug of his shoulders. So no i will NEVER refer this dealership to anyone. Sorry Andrew i know YOU did your best, sadly the company you work for doesnt care if their customers are satisfied or not. More
A nightmare from beginning to end I saw a 2017 Mirage on the dealer's website and called to inquire about it. The car was leftover stock from the prior year and still in the dealer's i I saw a 2017 Mirage on the dealer's website and called to inquire about it. The car was leftover stock from the prior year and still in the dealer's inventory. I was told over the phone that the car was not at the Goshen dealership but it could be brought down for me to look at from where it was. I made an appointment to go and see it as well take it for a test drive. The day comes to go look at the car and on my way up I receive a call to make sure I would make my appointment time and I said I was on my way and maybe a few minutes late as I was caught behind a school bus. I made it to the dealership and met with Javail who would become my salesman. We sit down at his desk, I explain I had seen a car online that was at their other location and that it was supposed to be there for me to look at and take for a test drive. He asked for me to give him a minute so he could get the find the car and bring it around for me to see. A few minutes go by and he comes back apologizing to me that the car was not transferred down but he could get it there for me if I would like. I expressed that yes, I would like that because I was very interested in that particular vehicle. So Javail starting talking to me about the 2018 and 19. I kindly asked him at this point to not bring them up as I was very interested in the car I had seen online. He asked if I would mind taking a test ride in an 18 as it was very similar to the car I was looking at and I agreed. So we took the test drive and he was explaining features of the vehicle. So on the ride, he again started speaking of the newer vehicles. If he had only done this once on the ride that would have been one thing, but him being a salesman and wanting a higher commission he could not let this go. I said every time that I would like to see the vehicle I had called about and I did start to let the aggravation be heard towards the end. When we were back in the dealership, we sat back at his desk and he said what can we do for you? I said I would like the vehicle I called about here so that I can see it and drive it. He said well it is the same as you have just driven. I said to him no it is not. I gave him an analogy that I played guitar, when I go to a store to look at instruments when I pick one, I play it, look at it closely and by that one. I do not pick one off the wall play it and buy the one next to it even though it may be exactly the same in features, I get the one I tried out. He then pointed to a glass case they had on the sales floor asking me to look there because it held all the awards the dealership got for the best customer service. I looked at him and told him well right now you are failing at that. I said to him what you can do is get the car I was supposed to see here so that I can see it and drive it and his response was that they could do that for me. At that point, I was done. I said to him we are done I am leaving. I got up, walked out and left. No less than 5 minutes later I got a call from him and he said that I had left so fast that he could not catch me because his manager wished to speak with me. So I said to him if his manager wished to speak with me he could transfer me to him and I would speak with him on the phone. He said he was unable to do a transfer and that he would have to go to the manager's desk and call me back so I said fine do so I had many things I wished to say. 20 minutes passed before I was called by the manager. He introduced himself as Gil and that he was the manager. I Asked what had taken so long ad Javail had said he was just going to your desk to call me and he said that he was not in the dealership, that he was actually off that day but had heard that there were some issues and wished to see what could be done. I explained all that had happened, he did not like that the salesman did not have the car brought down while I was there and as well said the comment about the awards was just “ear candy” and should not have been said. He asked if I could make it back to the dealership and that he would get the car there and hold it for me to see. He as well offered me some compensation for my travels as I do live a good distance from the dealership. So we set another appointment for me to go back up and see the car a week later. The day before my appointment to go see the car the job I was working got extended for a day so I emailed Gil and asked if it was an issue to move the appointment to the next day. He replied and said that it was not an issue and that he would see me Friday. So Friday came and I went to the dealership to see the car. I was greeted again by Javail, This I was not so happy about but I moved forward. I asked to speak with Gil as he had said I should do. I was told that Gil was busy but he was going to take care of me. I responded. I will wait for Gil as I was told by him to see him when I arrived at the dealership. So I was introduced to Gil and he said he had the car ready and that Javial was going to show it to me and take me for a test ride. He as well stated that someone had just sold a Mirage to them and it was in great condition that he as well set aside for me to look at if I so wished. So this started out great, after a long conversation with this person and explaining to him that I was very annoyed that the salesperson kept bring up other vehicle's, he goes and does the same thing. Javail brings me out to look at the car. I really liked it color and size were perfect. We went to go out on the test drive and the first thing I had noticed was that the car was a bit stiffer than the one that I had driven the week before. This was something I actually liked and was very pleased with. So all was good, we returned to the dealership. We sat down and started to talk about numbers as far as loans went with the car. I asked if I could make a call and check another way for a loan out quick and did so. I had to wait a bit to get a response from the lender that I called so I asked if I could have the car held until the next day which I was told was not a problem. The next morning I called the dealership and spoke with Javail and told him that they had come up with the best loan offer and that I would like to go through the dealership for the loan. He asked when I could make it up and I said I could be there in the early afternoon. He assured me he would have all the paperwork ready and that I would be able to take the car home that evening. I made it up that afternoon. Most of the paperwork was ready for me upon arrival. I would have to wait for the finance manager to sign for the loan. So I get all the paperwork done with the salesperson and he said he would check with the finance manager to see when I could go in to get everything else done. I had asked where the second set of keys were for the vehicle and was told they were not brought down and that he would have them sent down and when I got my plates for the car I could get my second key. A little over an hour later Javail says that he was going to have someone come show me all the items in the car and go over how things work as it was taking a long time for me to get in to sign the loan papers. So I was introduced to the person who was going to show me how things worked in the car and we did that. I have to say this guy really did not know all the features of the car. I had to find the USB connector for the phone. As well he was not to sure of a few things on the console. When we had finished going through the car we went back inside and at that point, the financial manager was ready to sit with me. So we are at hour 3, the dealership is starting to close for the night and I was pretty much done with it all. So I am shown the loan paperwork. I am told who it is with the interest rate and my monthly payments. So all was good with that. He starts going through all line by line and I notice that the final amount was higher than what I was initially told. He goes on to tell me well I added this wonderful extended warranty that I think you will love. It extends all of the manufactures for another 2 years. I was a bit floored. I said to him you do not know me at all, how would you know what I would like and as well how dare you add something onto my loan without speaking with me first about it, giving me information about it and without even asking me if I wanted this or if it was ok to put on my loan. (another commission item I suppose) So he gave me a pamphlet that had no real information about what it covered, how it worked, or how to use it. I looked online and every review I read about this program was horrible. I did not read one review that people were able to have the issue fix and paid for by this warranty. So I tell him to remove this, and he kept pressing that it was a great thing and that it is something I should consider. He as well said that the reviews could be based on different plans offered by the company. He then said if you would like to cancel the sale of the car I could do so. Wrong thing to say because I almost ripped up the loan contract and walked out. But I said again to remove the warranty and I would be just taking the car. Finally, I have all done and I have the car. The only thing left or so I thought was to get my plates and keys and I would be done with all and be able to enjoy. That was so not the case. So the day my temporary plates are to expire I get a call from my sales person stating my plates were in and that they would be mailed out to me. I asked him about my spare key that I was supposed to get and he said that it did not come that I could make an appointment with the service department at any point and they would take care of it without question. I said fine and I would do so. A few weeks later I called to make an appointment to get my second key and as well to get the remote start checked and it would not work for me. With the appointment made I go up and check in. the service rep says they need to see where the second key is because it is supposed to be in the dealership and being the key is over 400.00 (the key itself is a little over 100.00, it is the programming that makes it so expensive) they have to find the one that is for the car. Ok, blood boiling at this point. So the car is checked and the remote start was taken care of. No key at all, I am told that it was brought to the dealership and that before a new one could be made I would have to wait. I was told I would get a call in a day or 2 about the status and if they had the key or if I had to go up again and get a new one made. After day 3 I call and no one is available to speak within service so I ask for a callback. No callback. I call the next day, again no one available in service so I ask to speak with a manager, I was told that Gil was busy. I said no I wish to speak with the manager of the dealership above Gil. I was told that my information would be taken and I would get a callback. Again NOTHING! So my fiance gets involved. She calls the dealership and speaks with the service department, gets nowhere and the calls and asks to speak with the dealership manager and gets a name which I forget and is told that she would get a callback. So she missed the call back from the dealership and when she returns the call she speaks with Gil. From what I heard this conversation did not go so well and something about compensation was brought up again and that they could not do anything for pay missed going to the dealership (but yet he did say he would give me something for my time coming to the dealership again and never did, a man of his word! Not!) and that it was not on his end that there was an issue with getting the spare done it was at the end of the service department. Gil assured her that all would be taken care of. I was told by my fiance that I should be getting a call from Gil to make arrangements to go up and get my spare finally. No less than 5 minutes later I get a call from the service department, not Gil and make an appointment to get my spare made. I go up on a Saturday morning first thing and get this taken care of, while there, the service rep apologized for all the trouble and said the opposite of what I was told by my Fiance. I was told that it was Gil who was holding all up until the other key was found and that his hands were tied until he was given the ok to make the spare. The dealership is filled with false promises from its employees and lies. Blame is put on other people so you do not know who is telling the truth and like most just looking out for themselves instead of the customer. I am happy to say that I will never step foot in that dealership again and if you have to by any vehicle at all stay far away from them! Their award shelve is just eye candy nothing more! More
Great Service again from Healey We came in to buy my Daughter a car as her previous car was totaled from a deer accident. I called up Salesman Rob Dana who I had bought from before a We came in to buy my Daughter a car as her previous car was totaled from a deer accident. I called up Salesman Rob Dana who I had bought from before asking to look at an Outlander Sport. We got there and he had one ready to go for a test drive. We liked the car and he worked very hard to get us the best deal. He found us the exact model and color we wanted. He explained everything to us about the car. Great Salesman. I have had some bad experiences purchasing cars from other dealers but I would buy from Healy again! The whole staff was great. More
Used Car Salesman Nightmare My boyfriend and I visited Healey Brothers Mitsubishi in Goshen last night. We informed the sales person that we were in a bind. My boyfriend's car My boyfriend and I visited Healey Brothers Mitsubishi in Goshen last night. We informed the sales person that we were in a bind. My boyfriend's car was on it's last leg and he doesn't have the best credit. We were pre approved through Capital One and wanted to see what our options were. He found a car he was interested in and we were quoted a price that we would not be able to afford. I told him that I think we should look around further and explore our options so that we are not in over our head in payments. The salesman then proceeds to give me a stern look and looks at my boyfriend and says "so what's holding you back" in a tone that was if to say, don't listen to her. His excuse for customer service was horrendous and we were able to find the same car, newer, with a 1/3 of the mileage for $30 less per month and no money down at a dealership down the road. Don't bother with this dealership. They are crooks and do not care about the customer. They just want the sale. More