Bob Ross Buick GMC - Service Center
Dayton, OH

11 Reviews of Bob Ross Buick GMC - Service Center
I took my 2006 Envoy in to have the driver side mirror I took my 2006 Envoy in to have the driver side mirror fixed since it fell of in my hand. I examined it and saw that the retaining clip had popped of I took my 2006 Envoy in to have the driver side mirror fixed since it fell of in my hand. I examined it and saw that the retaining clip had popped off. I tried to pop the back cover of the mirror off but couldn't without risking breaking it. So I resorted to taking it to the dealer. My wife dropped off the car for it's service appointment. The service man took one look at it came back and said it was apparent that there was impact damage to the mirror and the entire mirror assembly would need to be replaced. The car is out of warrenty (37000 miles, 1000 to late). The service man said he couldn't give us a price till he found out if the car was under warrenty but said the mirror suffered impact damage so it wouldn't be a warrenty repair anyway. My wife then called me to come talk to them since they wouldn't listen to her or tell her what a new mirror cost. I arrived to talk to the service man a little frustrated and made the mistke of saying " The idiot that looked at my car says there was apparant impact damge..." At which point he went off on me, told me not to call his people idiots, and that it was obvious there was impact damage. So I told him there couldn't be impact damage, since the mirror was fine till I tried to unfold it after moving it out of the way and it fell off in my hand. He told me it was apparant there was impact damage. I told him I didn't appreciate being called a liar. He insisted there was impact damage and I was lying. My wife then asked what a new mirror cost, and he basically said he couldn't tell me a price till they determined the extent of the impact damage. At this point I told him to bring my car around front since I had decided not to them work on it. The service man refused to return my car to me until I told him I was calling the police to report them for car theft. He then stomped off to get my car muttering under his breath a few choice words I won't repeat. True, I overreacted but the Service man was rude, and called me a liar. My wife said while she was waiting, he exploded over the phone at another customer. I guess he was having a bad day. Maybe the dismall economy and GM's uncertain future is weighing heavy on him and his future job prospects look bad, but his attutude has insured that I will never deal with this dealership again and will make every effort to stear people away from them. In a service industry you have to deal properly with irrate people, and that is doublely so when business is bad. His poor attitude has undone a lot of marketing effort and expense on the part of the dealer. Bob Ross GMC's sales staff is great but their service department needs help. 30 mins later... I see why they were insistent on impact damage now. I looked at the mirror again and a couple of the plastic tabs fell out. They broke them off trying to take it apart. All is clear now. More