391 Reviews of Aaron Chevrolet - Service Center
We purchased all the parts for our airconditioning system from Lake Chevrolet online.Genuine Chevrolet parts...We paid for Genuine Chevrolet parts! What we received was manufactured in China! Said it right o from Lake Chevrolet online.Genuine Chevrolet parts...We paid for Genuine Chevrolet parts! What we received was manufactured in China! Said it right on the sealed packages! When I phone them I was told someone else handled my shipment and was asked to leave my name and number and they would call me back. They never did. Two days later when I phoned them again they said the guy who handled (packaged) these parts was not in at time. We got made in China Parts! which we could have bought at any auto parts store here in Las Vegas, We were charged good money for genuine chevrolet parts! And, We were ripper off by this Dealership! I do bussiness all around the Country online and this is the first time this has happened! More