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How would you rate Joe Erato?
How about Middletown Mazda?
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Reason For Visit

Sales (New)
Sales (Used)

Did you purchase or lease a vehicle from this dealership?

sales Dept.

Brittaney Ayling at Middletown Mazda
Brittaney Ayling
Tap to rate
Jayden Brown at Middletown Mazda
Jayden Brown
Tap to rate
Aaron Davis at Middletown Mazda
Aaron Davis
Tap to rate
Joe Erato at Middletown Mazda
Joe Erato
Tap to rate
Rey Urena at Middletown Mazda
Rey Urena
Tap to rate

management Dept.

Could You Say a Little More? (Optional)

How was your experience with the vehicle financing process? (Optional)

How would you rate the speed of your transaction? (Optional)

How would you rate the dealership's explanation of final vehicle pricing? (Optional)

If you traded in or sold a vehicle, how was that experience? (Optional)

How was your vehicle home delivery from this dealership? (Optional)

How important is the quality of the dealership's service center in the decision of where to purchase a car? (Optional)

What Others Say

I was looking at different models and their was no pressure and being talked down t...

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Fantastic service from start to finish. He was very knowledgeable and helpful. Defi...

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Good deal! Thanks to Aaron for all of his help. Highly recommended. Love the car.

Aaron is knowledgeable and helpful, never pushy. Helped us find the right car for us ...

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Aaron was kind and knowledgeable. I was unsure of which vehicle and he was very t...

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Juan es una exelente persona la cual me llevo en el proceso de comprar mi primer...

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