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How would you rate Brandon Kassab?
How about Mercedes-Benz of Georgetown?
See Review Guidelines
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Reason For Visit

Sales (New)
Sales (Used)

Did you purchase or lease a vehicle from this dealership?

sales Dept.

Jerry Carpenter at Mercedes-Benz of Georgetown
Jerry Carpenter
Tap to rate
Charles Griffin at Mercedes-Benz of Georgetown
Charles Griffin
Tap to rate
Brandon Kassab at Mercedes-Benz of Georgetown
Brandon Kassab
Tap to rate
Carrie LaTour at Mercedes-Benz of Georgetown
Carrie LaTour
Tap to rate

finance Dept.

parts Dept.

service Dept.

internet Dept.

Could You Say a Little More? (Optional)

How was your experience with the vehicle financing process? (Optional)

How would you rate the speed of your transaction? (Optional)

How would you rate the dealership's explanation of final vehicle pricing? (Optional)

If you traded in or sold a vehicle, how was that experience? (Optional)

How was your vehicle home delivery from this dealership? (Optional)

How important is the quality of the dealership's service center in the decision of where to purchase a car? (Optional)

What Others Say

Charles was very helpful! He considered the different aspects of my life and helpe...

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Drew the service advisor is very efficient and we can rely on his advice and profess...

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The customer service is great. Charles answered all my questions and helped m...

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This is the only dealership where they fully explained everything to us. Kudos to Char...

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They were fast and efficient when getting my car serviced. The employees were all ...

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Service was excellent and the dealership kept me informed on the progress of the ...

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